All Things Dog Blog | Pets In The City

The Power of a Dogs Nose!

Written by Fiona Sarten, K9 FUNdamentals | 4/07/2024 10:47:36 PM

Have you ever stopped and thought about the power of your dogs nose and their extraordinary sense of smell?

Dogs possess an olfactory system that is nothing short of amazing, allowing them to detect scents with a precision and sensitivity far beyond our capabilities. As dog owners, appreciating this unique skill can help you understand why at times, your dog is scenting and you can't figure out what they're smelling.  

The Science Behind the Snout

Let's look at the science behind their nose:   

  • While we have approximately 5 to 6 million olfactory receptors in our noses, dogs have an astounding 125 to 300 million. This difference means that dogs' noses are designed not just for sniffing out food or danger, but for navigating and understanding their entire world through scent.
  • Dogs have a specialised organ known as the Jacobson's organ, which enhances their ability to detect pheromones—chemicals that convey social and reproductive information between animals. This allows dogs to obtain a wealth of information about other animals and even humans through scent alone.

Sniffing Out the Facts

  • The practical applications of dogs' sense of smell are equally impressive. From search and rescue missions to detecting drugs, explosives, or even medical conditions like cancer or diabetes, dogs help us humans due to their olfactory prowess. Their ability to detect changes in scent concentrations as minuscule as parts per trillion makes them invaluable partners.
  • Dogs rely a lot on their sense of smell to find food, potential dangers, and friends, so needless to say they sniff a lot. Their noses are designed so smells can stay in their nose while air can move in and out of their lungs at the same time, which means they can breathe freely and still work out what that smell is!

Enhancing the Bond

As dog owners, you can actively support and encourage your dogs' natural sniffing abilities. Incorporating scent-based games and activities into their routines not only provides mental stimulation but also reinforces positive behaviours. Whether it's hiding treats around the house, practicing scent tracking outdoors, or engaging in nose work classes, these activities tap into your dogs' natural talents and enrich their lives.

Next time you notice your dog ground or air scenting, that scent is being detected through their amazing nose!

At K9 FUNdamentals we offer puppy training and socialising for all ages of pups via our Pup Programme, tailored to suit your training requirements and your puppy's age and experiences.  Check us out at and make contact if you need puppy training and socialising, we'd love to be part of your training journey with your puppy.